eyeDrops  v2.3
A new approach to detecting eye blinks.
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 CBLEDeviceManagerThe Bluetooth low energy device manager
 CBLEDeviceManagerThe Bluetooth low energy device manager
 CBlinkPredictionViewControllerBlink data view controller class class
 CSensorDataViewControllerSensor data view controller class class
 CBlinkPredictionViewControllerBlink data view controller class class
 CSensorDataViewControllerSensor data view controller class class
 CBlinkPredictionViewControllerBlink data view controller class class
 CBlinkPredictionViewControllerBlink data view controller class class
 CSensorDataViewControllerSensor data view controller class class
 CSensorDataViewControllerSensor data view controller class class
 CAppDelegateThe App Delegate class
 CSettingsThe shared settings container
 CAppDelegateThe App Delegate class
 CBLEDeviceManagerThe Bluetooth low energy device manager
 CSettingsThe shared settings container
 CUserProfileA project specific user profile
 CUserProfileManagerThe user profile manager to read/write from XML file and manage the profiles
 CPreferencesWindowControllerThe preferences window (controller)
 CPreferencesWindowControllerThe preferences window (controller)
 CAnimationViewThis class takes care of the calibration animation
 CAnimationViewControllerThis class controlls the animation view
 CBlinkPredictionViewControllerBlink data view controller class class
 CSensorDataViewControllerSensor data view controller class class
 CAboutWindowControllerThe about window controller
 CBlurredWindowThe Blurred Window controller.
 CCalibrationWindowControllerThe calibration window (controller)
 CPreferencesWindowControllerThe preferences window (controller)