eyeDrops  v2.3
A new approach to detecting eye blinks.
Source code documentation

This documentation describes the source code and some key functionalities of the eyeDrops Cocoa Application. All classes and files are commented very detailed and important modules are described in the following.

Program structure

Bluetooth communication protocol

The following figure 1 shows the connection states the BLE device manager will be in after certain events / actions. This is important in order to understand how the communication protocol between the RFDuino (wearable device) and the Mac works.

Figure 1: Connection state diagram on Mac side

Figure 2 shows the connection states the wearable (RFDuino) will be in after certain events / actions.

Figure 2: Connection state diagram on RFDuino side

A compact overview over all the defined and used messages is given in the Protocol.h. This file is written from the Mac’s point of view, that is BLE_OUT_MESSAGE are the messages that the Mac sends to the wearable and BLE_IN_MESSAGE are the ones that the Mac will receive. On the wearable side the nomenclature is swapped, BLE_IN_MESSAGE are the ones that are defined as BLE_OUT_MESSAGE on the Mac and vice versa.